Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rebirth of a Realist

Rebirth of a Realist

Has there ever been a time in history when so many were cowed and terrorized by so few?
Many anti-war voters in Connecticut gave the country and certainly the President a punch in the nose by
Voting against the eighteen year incumbent senator and committed Zionist war hawk Senator Lieberman.
Fearing to speak it out loud frustrated peaceniks were voting against Israeli aggression and the total grip AIPAC (American Israel Public affairs Committee, I prefer to call it the American Israel Political Action Committee because that is what it is.] has on American foreign policy. I have tried to point out to the local media that AIPAC owns Lieberman's Ears, eyes, mouth and heart. The media feels Israel and AIPC are not germane to our elections.
Acknowledging the power of AIPAC the right wing columnist Novak pointed out that" Washington
remains largely a bipartisan, criticism-free zone for Israel."
Important new details of the U.S.-Israeli espionage case involving Larry Franklin, the alleged Pentagon spy, two officials of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, and an intelligence official at the Embassy of Israel emerged last week. Two AIPAC officials—who have left the organization—were indicted along with Franklin on charges of "communicating national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it." In plain English, if not legal-speak, that means spying,
Robert Dreyfuss
Juan Cole-- On the rare occasion when a brave member of Congress dares stand up to this unrelenting AIPAC tyranny, that person is targeted for un-election in the next congressional campaign, with big money directed by AIPAC and/or its analogues into the coffers of the senator's or congressman's opponent. Over and over again, AIPAC has shaped the U.S. Congress in this way, so successfully that no one even dares speak out any more
The fact is, all of America seems to be a "criticism free zone for Israel."
Those of us who voted for the first time candidate who defeated Lieberman celebrated the victory. Perhaps the tide is turning we thought. By the next day we awakened to reality. A conspiracy between the Republican Party, AIPAC and Carl Rove in the White House moved to get Lieberman, a life-long democrat re-elected as an independent.
Panicked by the thought and smitten with the political fever, the so-called Peace candidate began making overtures to AIPAC and the Jewish community. He even went so far as to sit down to dinner and discuss, "how, as a US Senator, can I help Israel." With Shimon Perez.
The entire peace community in Connecticut was shocked and dismayed. One can not be against the war in Iraq and support the atrocities of the Israeli military.
How can so few cower so many? One of the reasons is that a large portion of the American population still believes that God gave the Jews the land Of Israel. The other reason is that the guilt of the Christian church’s anti-Semitism of the twenties and thirties seems to be passed down generation to generation.
But the most import reason is the enormous power of AIPAC to raise money and not only to support certain candidate, but also to defeat others.
I do believe that in my lifetime the many will again turn on the few and the cycle will begin again.
David Truskoff


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