Wednesday, May 10, 2006

what is a Jew

It is almost comical the way all the “Dump Lieberman” blogs are afraid to ask Why.
Why does he vote the way he does?
Why does he support the war?
Why does he get front-page coverage by condemning child abuse in all forms, but refuses to
Condemn the abuse of Palestinian children by the Israelis?
Why is he the hypocrite that he is?

I am the son of a Jewish mother. That makes me a Jew. My mother was an organizer for the International Ladies garment workers union during the textile strikes in New Jersey and Massachusetts. We lived in an area dominated by the Detroit Radio priest; the anti-Semitic Father Coughlin who often referred to FDR as “President Rosenfelt”
My mother had a difficult time trying to unionize the many polish workers who were brought to New Jersey by the slavers to work in the mills for slave wages. They did not leave Poland, they brought Poland with them. They left the church dominated Poland for the church dominated town in New Jersey.
Their children spoke Polish in the home and I knew them by their Polish names. Vladek, Yushew, Stashew.
The church, always the handmaiden for the powerful, warned the parents to keep away from the union organizers who they claimed were the “godless communists.”
Once Polish workers realized they had been tricked and brainwashed they not only joined the union but also became leaders. It was difficult for them. They had to face down the brainwashing that began in early childhood, but they had to choose between that and feeding their children. They also wanted to be Americans and live the American dream.
Many union meetings were held in our home and Jewish emigrants, mostly from Eastern Europe, made up more than half of the members.
I was so proud of them and of being Jewish. They were truly at the forefront of the young labor movement
My older sister’s friends were joining the Lincoln Brigade with many other Jews to go and fight Fascism when it was not a popular thing to do in America even though our beloved Presidents wife supported them.
I can remember my mother taking me with her when she carried a sign along with other union members asking the President to save the Jews of Europe.
Oh yes, I was so proud of being a Jew.
When I heard Presidential candidate General Clark say, “Americans are ashamed of their leaders.” It was an emotional blow that brought all of the wonderful childhood memories back to me.
What would my mother say if I told her that I am ashamed of the leaders of Israel and I am ashamed of the American Jewish community that does not have the courage to say what they feel in their heart.
What would she say about the ridiculous argument in Israel about What or who is a Jew.
I am sure she would say and feel what I feel and what I am saying.

Why is Senator Lieberan the hypocrite that he is, because he does not have the character or the moral strength that the polish workers had back in the thirties. He can not answer the brainwashing with what must be in his heart. He is not a stupid man. He can not believe that the war in Iraq is good for America.
He only believes what he is told to believe and that it is good for Israel. Therefore, he does not represent the people of the state of Connecticut. He represents the ,blind faith, right wing, Zionists of Israel.
He depends on the fear people like me might have of being called “Jewish self hater,” Or worse yet “anti-Semitic” If they speak the truth.
I am neither, Senator. I am an American Realist, born of a Jewish mother who was a better Jew than you.
If she were here today she would be saying the same thing that I am saying to you
I will not vote for you.


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