Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Get political

Rebirth of a Realist
I feel good. I just sent this email to Molly Ivins.
"I am an old war horse. I have screamed and shouted and marched and demonstrated and paid court costs and the little men in those little rooms went right on nominating the Dodds and Liebermans and the gupya dupya types we now have in the white house." I asked her to use her platform to tell the young people today that if they want change they must move into the local political committees, the State Committees and the National Committees. They are public
and the most exciting thing that happened in the sixties was the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party That shook the old guard and the Gene McCarthy campaign I attempted to be a delegate for Gene, but did not get enough support from other activists who thought it was a waste of time to try and use the system. It is not a waste of time. It is the only way.
We can not match them dollar for dollar. We can not create the machinery for change. WE must use what is already there and we can.
In Mississippi while trying to register voters Stokley (He was Stokly then)used to say, "Telling Black folks to use the system is like telling Jews to join the nazi party."
I did not agree. Eventually he changed and MFDP became a powerful force.
If students want to march (and it is exciting to see the wake up on campus) they should all march to Committee meetings.


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