They are Baack
Rebirth of a Realist
The Washington Post reported: March 17, 2000, " US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright will announce a major overture toward Iran today, promising steps toward the return of assets frozen since Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, lifting a ban on imports of Iranian luxury goods and making it easier for Iranian academics and athletes to visit the United States. While stopping short of an apology, Albright will acknowledge past American meddling in Iran, including the CIA-backed coup that toppled Iran’s leftist prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, and restored its monarchy in 1953. She also will express regret for Washington’s "shortsighted" support of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, according to an administration official who has read the speech."
Liberals saw this as a late and minor victory, knowing that the Savak, the Shah’s secrete police, was known to carry out many crimes. There were 61 Savak officials among 248 military personnel executed between February and September 1979, when the organization was officially dissolved by Khomeini. Khomeini supporters always claimed that the dreaded Savak was created with the help of the CIA and Israel’s Mossad. Realists wonder if any were trained at the USA School of the Americas.
Today the resources of the Middle East are just as essential to the empire builders in Washington D.C., but coupled with the threat of the loss of the value of the dollar via Tehran’s new policy of switching the currency in oil sales, makes military action almost a necessity.
February25, 2007, In Australia Vice President Cheney said the United States was "deeply concerned" about Iran's activities, including its "aggressive" sponsoring of the terrorist group Hezbollah and inflammatory statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
He also said top U.S. officials would meet soon with European allies to decide the next step toward tougher sanctions against Iran if it continues enriching uranium, which can produce material for nuclear weapons or nuclear power.
"We worked with the European community and the United Nations to put together a set of policies to persuade the Iranians to give up their [nuclear] aspirations and resolve the matter peacefully, and that is still our preference," he said.
"But I've also made the point, and the president has made the point, that all options are on the table," he added, leaving open the possibility of military action.
I don’t suppose that US Secretary Rice will be able to make her apologies to Ahmadinejad at a latter date. There may be no one to apologize to.
David Truskoff