Wednesday, February 28, 2007

They are Baack

Rebirth of a Realist

The Washington Post reported: March 17, 2000, " US Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright will announce a major overture toward Iran today, promising steps toward the return of assets frozen since Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, lifting a ban on imports of Iranian luxury goods and making it easier for Iranian academics and athletes to visit the United States. While stopping short of an apology, Albright will acknowledge past American meddling in Iran, including the CIA-backed coup that toppled Iran’s leftist prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, and restored its monarchy in 1953. She also will express regret for Washington’s "shortsighted" support of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, according to an administration official who has read the speech."
Liberals saw this as a late and minor victory, knowing that the Savak, the Shah’s secrete police, was known to carry out many crimes. There were 61 Savak officials among 248 military personnel executed between February and September 1979, when the organization was officially dissolved by Khomeini. Khomeini supporters always claimed that the dreaded Savak was created with the help of the CIA and Israel’s Mossad. Realists wonder if any were trained at the USA School of the Americas.
Today the resources of the Middle East are just as essential to the empire builders in Washington D.C., but coupled with the threat of the loss of the value of the dollar via Tehran’s new policy of switching the currency in oil sales, makes military action almost a necessity.
February25, 2007, In Australia Vice President Cheney said the United States was "deeply concerned" about Iran's activities, including its "aggressive" sponsoring of the terrorist group Hezbollah and inflammatory statements by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
He also said top U.S. officials would meet soon with European allies to decide the next step toward tougher sanctions against Iran if it continues enriching uranium, which can produce material for nuclear weapons or nuclear power.
"We worked with the European community and the United Nations to put together a set of policies to persuade the Iranians to give up their [nuclear] aspirations and resolve the matter peacefully, and that is still our preference," he said.
"But I've also made the point, and the president has made the point, that all options are on the table," he added, leaving open the possibility of military action.
I don’t suppose that US Secretary Rice will be able to make her apologies to Ahmadinejad at a latter date. There may be no one to apologize to.
David Truskoff

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rebirth of a Realist

Rebirth of a Realist

America is the craziest place on the planet
I think it is an old Italian expression that says, "From the head the rotting fish stinks first."
One presidency after another for the last forty years has been rocked with one kind of a scandal or another. They have taken our moral structure down with them. Bush, of course, has escalated that slide downward.
On February eight a pathetic, wretched women died at the early age of 39.
Let’s pretend that we are a Muslim man in Tehran who has access to American media and sees three anchors on CNN news devote almost the entire day to every detail they could find about the women and the sudden death. Newspapers across the country made it a front-page story
So who is this women that has caused millions of dollars to be spent just for American scandal sheets to get a picture of her? Is she a holy person? Maybe a queen? Perhaps a great scientist that has found a cure for one of our killer diseases or perhaps a political figure that has found a way to world peace.
No, she was none of the above. She was the daughter of a women who was married five or six times. She herself married at age 17 to a boy sixteen. Her son was born when she was eighteen. She soon divorced and made a living as an exotic dancer in a nightclub. As a very attractive women it was easy for her to find work as a model. She later became famous by posing nude for a sex magazine. Her next claim to fame was to marry a wealthy man 63 years her senior with just another year or two to live. His death caused a legal battle over his estate.
To cut through this awful life, just before her death she gave birth to a child, but no one knows who the father of the child is. There is a battle about to be fought over custody because who gets the child gets the money. America is spell bound. No TV saga can match it.
After such a life, she deserves to be at peace, but American mass media will not let it be. Her memory and her child forever will be tormented by the sleaze moguls
Now as the Muslim man in Tehran do you think America is an immoral place? Nah, we are just a little crazy.
David Truskoff

Friday, February 02, 2007

democracy USA

Rebirth of a Realist

The illusion of Democracy USA
In the 1960s, (and it is hard for me to believe that it was that long ago) many of us were arrested, tear gassed, beaten and jailed for trying to tell Americans that we must live up to our own constitution.
We were saying that America could not pretend to be selling Democracy when it does not have it to sell.
The people of Southeast Asia were not fighting a religious war or even a political one. Basically they were fighting against the white oppressors. First the French and then the Americans. Yes, they saw Black soldiers but to many they appeared as trained slaves whose relatives could not even vote in America. That is the enemy that they saw.
We quoted over and over the X111 and XV amendments to the constitution.
Amendment Dec. 18, 1865 X111
Neither slavery or involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall, have been duly convicted shall exist in the United States
March 30 1870 XV the right of citizens of the United states to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any previous state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.
Today Blacks in every state can vote, but the political situation continues to deteriorate and flaunt the constitution.
On February 2/007 we hear that Exxon Mobil has surpassed their own record and reached $39 billion in Profits. Why is that relevant? Because on the same day we learn that the next presidential race in the US may result in candidates or their supporters spending upwards of a billion dollars to get elected. It speaks loudly to the fact that money interprets the Constitution any way it suits those who own it.
"That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Gettysburg, PennsylvaniaNovember 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln,
There can be no Government of by and for the people until we take the money out of politics.
Those so called fanatics, those wild eyed terrorists, that we are supposed to be fighting are not unlike the Vietnamese fighting the white oppressor who does not have the product of democracy to sell.
Standing in front of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem a young student from New York pointed to the Sephardim Jews demonstrating in front of the Knesset and said, "those are our Niger’s and we don’t know what to do with our Niger’s any more than you do.I realized then that Israel does not have a product to sell either.
David truskoff