Shrill lies getting louder and more shrill
A statue purported to be a memorial to victims of Communism worldwide was unveiled on June 13,2007 In Washington D.C. The propaganda show kicked off a barrage of lies that would even make the wild eyed claims of the Hearst press and the New York times of 1933 seem mild.
Cal Thomas, Tribune Media Services, wrote on June 15, 2007.
"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression" by Stephan Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panne, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek and Jean-Louis Margolin lists by country the number of people murdered under communist regimes: 65 million (and counting) in China; 20 million in the Soviet Union, 2 million (and counting) in North Korea, 2 million in Cambodia, 1.7 million in Africa, 1.5 million in Afghanistan, 1 million in Vietnam." Other hysterical screaming followed; "Who knows that the communist holocaust has exacted a death toll surpassing that of all of the wars of the 20th century combined."
President Bush at the unveiling said, "In short, communism, an evil ideology unlike any the world has seen, is responsible for the slaughter of more than 94 million human beings. It tops all plagues, natural disasters, crime, and other political ideologies, probably combined. According to the best scholarly estimate, Communism took the lives of tens of millions of people in China and the Soviet Union."
In Moscow Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov who narrowly lost the 1996 Russian presidential election to Boris Yeltsin, was quick to respond. He called the memorial an "attempt to distract the attention of world opinion from the bloody evils of American imperialism as a whole."
Since the Russian Revolution of 1917 the US media propaganda barrage of anti-communism was steeped in lies and hypocrisy, but today it has reached a new level of hysteria and sophism. A brief look at truth and real history shows that in the early thirties America was in the throes of the Great depression. Millions were out of work and there was no safety net for the poor and hungry. Thousand died for lack of proper nutrition and health care. Socialism and the radical labor movements were forming in the States. It was, the conservatives thought, imperative for the media to try and distract Americans and steer them from the left by claiming the famine in Russia was a Communist plan to kill millions of their own people. For years they hammered away at that lie and the lie took on a life of its own growing like the puppet's nose longer and longer.
The 1932-1933 Ukrainian famine had many causes. The main cause was the anti Communist effort led by the kulaks and those who wanted to return to the days of the Tsars. They fought against giving up their land and their oppressive hold on the peasants. In the face of losing their power they began a system of slaughtering their cattle and horses in preference to having them collectivized. The result was a blow to Stalin’s idea of collectivization. He felt the shared machinery and free workers could produce more Soviet agriculture, Kulaks slaughtered tens of thousand of live stock. Some armed themselves and joined the anti-Semitic Black hundreds and murdered officials, burned the property of some of the collectives, and even burned their own crops. What followed was the horrible famine of 1933.
Add to that the terrible drought that hit the area causing more sickness and death in the remote areas. ANOTHER FACTOR overlooked by the US media was the disruption following the Russian revolution by the ruthless 15,000 troops the US sent to Murmansk, Archangel, and Vladivostok as part of an Allied force in opposition to the Bolsheviks. Until the late thirties many other attempts were made by covert operatives to overthrow the Soviet Government. Yes, through all that chaos, many died. It must have been the most difficult situation to try and raise crops in. By 1934 the Russian famine was ending, but the US needed ten years and World War 11 to recover from the disastrous economic bust the robber barons of the twenties created.
In September of 1947, the Russians proposed at the UN a mutual withdrawal of USSR and US troops from the peninsula of Korea. The UN in 1947 declared that elections should be held throughout the entire country to choose one government to unify the country. The US rejected the proposals. The south under the advice of the US held its own election and created an independent Republic of Korea with Dictator Syngman Rhee as its leader. Rhee Threatened to "annihilate the north" prompting the civil war.
U.S. President Truman authorized the use of American land, sea, and air forces in Korea. On 7-1-1950. The Army's 24th Infantry Division became the first US troops to arrive in Korea. That intervention into a civil war led to American battle deaths that totaled 33,629 and another 20,617 deaths from other causes making a total of 54,246. The number of wounded came to 103,284. Almost half a century later the US still has 37 thousand troops stationed in Korea. The gunboat diplomacy that FDR rejected and the ignoring of a democratic election was the criminal act resulting in that disaster.
The people of Vietnam took the opportunity to establish their own government lead by Ho Chi Minh after the Japanese withdrew. However, at the end of the war the Allies gave back South Vietnam to the French while the North was left in the hands of the non-communist Chinese The Russians didn’t invade Vietnam in 1954, we did. There was an election, but once again America refused to recognize a democratic election. The result that time was approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese on both sides were killed in addition to another 1.5 to 2 million Lao and Cambodians who were drawn into the war. More than 58,000 Americans died and another 304,000 were wounded.
This month America has again refused to recognize a democratic election in Gaza. These deceitful machinations have taken their toll on the frustrated American public who feel they have lost their hold on their own country.
One needn’t wonder why the Communist bogeyman has been resurrected. America’s Gunboat diplomacy of the last fifty years has fueled anti America and leftist movements all over the world, but as the US ship of state begins taking on water the screaming liars intend to go down with the ship.
Sadly, I do not see any FDR type savior on the horizon to throw us life jackets and save our ship.
David Truskoff
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