Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie, a martyr’s Voice as powerful as that of Ann Frank.
The new Jew: personified by the Israeli, muscular tanned Sabra, is a new breed far removed from the Image of the depression-emaciated holocaust Jew of the thirties and forties. He has a new body and a new mind. The transformation however has left the new Jew with out the compassion and sensitivity that I loved about my families’ Jewishness.
The ruthlessness of the IDF: the horrific criminal cluster bombing of Lebanon and the shameful acts of starving children on the West Bank, are crimes against humanity that all Jews will someday have to answer for. The continuing acts of forcing the Palestinians into such dehumanizing poverty puts those responsible not only in the category of the oppressed becoming the oppressors as President Truman described them, but as the worst criminals in history, the Nazis.
The perfect illustration of the blind faith mentality of the new Jew is the pressure brought against a theater to stop the showing of the Rachel Corrie play in New York. They would stop the story of Rachel Corrie, but ask all of us Jews to remember the story of Ann Frank.
I am thankful however to see a rebellion brewing by those who seek to restore the Jewish compassion and tradition of resisting the very tyrannical acts Zionism has wrought on the people of Palestine. Young People including Jews were at the forefront of restoring the Rachel Corrie play and bringing it to the people
On March 16 2003 a bulldozer driven by an Israeli army soldier killed Rachel Corrie. Many believe as I do that the killing was deliberate and to teach other peace activists a lesson.
Rachel, was only 23 years old and her life was full of promise. In a statement Released by her parents last year her mother said, "We are greatly concerned for the non-violent internationals volunteering in the Occupied Territories. We ask that members of Congress call upon the Israeli government to cease harassment of these individuals and, specifically, to cease firing upon them when they are engaged in protecting the Palestinian water supply, protecting Palestinian homes from illegal demolitions, and retrieving bodies of murdered Palestinians for return to their families – all events Rachel witnessed."
As we honor the memory of Rachel Corrie on this the fourth anniversary of her killing which, blind faith, new Jews continue to rationalize, we older Jews must pledge to keep on striving for a new teaching that will replace blind faith Zionism.
The place to begin that is here at home in the USA March 17th in Washington D C. There we will be bringing a message to the gang in the White House. That message will be, "It's over." The people have had enough. That is how we will honor the memory of Rachel Corrie, and that is how we will try and save the new Jew.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger pedro velasquez said...

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, sportsbook 2003) was an American member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was crushed to death in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) bulldozer when she was kneeling in front of a local Palestinian's home, thus acting as a human shield, bet nfl attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home. The IDF stated that the death was due to the restricted angle of view of the IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer driver, while ISM eyewitnesses said "there was nothing to obscure the driver's view."[1] A student at the Evergreen State College, she had taken a year off and traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada.


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