Tuesday, January 02, 2007

War and USA

Rebirth of a Realist

Christian Americans are the most war like people this planet has ever produced.
I say that because so many refer to America as a Christian country.

Recently someone commented on a piece of mine by asking if I could document the statements I made about how many times the US has been at war and the invasion of Russia in 1918.
I have always been aware of how little most Americans know about their own History, but I think that is true of young folks everywhere.
In 1790 Alexander Hamilton had probably saved the economy of the new American nation. A nation that was practically bankrupt after the Revolution. By the creation of the national bank and other Hamilton economic plans he set the course for what he believed would be a prosperous and peaceful nation.
"Blessed are the peacemakers," Jesus said, but his naivete must have been the same as Hamilton's. In the short span of seventy years that followed Hamilton’s plan, residents of the new country saw the slaughter of the natives. and the most idiotic, bloodiest, war of young Americans against other young Americans in a civil war that was supposed to free the slaves. The real reason for the war, however was to gain control of king cotton and save the north’s textile industry which was second only to agriculture in the nation’s economy. The northern carpet baggers that invaded the South after the war showed everyone what the war was really about.
Neither Hamilton Nor the wandering Carpenter from Nazareth recognized the pandemic infection of greed that was to bring the entire planet to the brink of destruction. 33 years after the depravity of the abominable Civil war the empire building began; the US invaded and occupied the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Two years later US marines invaded China to putdown the Boxer rebellion.
In my book REBIRTH OF A REALIST I ask the question when has the American economy not functioned as a war economy and the answer is never.
In a list compiled by Eastern Connecticut State University we see a general view of the military adventures that have kept the American economy growing.
Hawaii: annexed by force
Cuba: US occupation following Spanish-American War
Philippines: 70,000 US troops fought insurrectionists led by Emilio Aguinaldo and occupied the islands until 1946, when Philippine independence granted
China: troops from the US and other nations put down the Boxer Rebellion
Morocco: US Marine interventions
Panama: permanent US military bases protected US-controlled Panama Canal Zone
Dominican Republic: US military occupations 1905 to 1907; 1912; 1914; and 1916 to 1924; US controlled government finances 1905 to 1941
Cuba: US military ran the government from 1906 to 1909; occupied by US troops in 1912, and 1917 to 1922
Nicaragua: US military occupation 1909 to 1933, and controlled government finances from 1910 to 1924
Mexico: US military intervention during revolutionary turmoil; Marines sent to Tampico and Vera Cruz in 1914; from 1916 to 1917, 6,000 US cavalry under Gen John Pershing clashed with troops of Caranza’s Mexican army
Haiti: US Marine occupation and US control of government finances
Russia: US sent 15,000 troops to Murmansk, Archangel, and Vladivostok as part of an Allied force in opposition to the Bolsheviks
Korea: post-War II US occupation
Germany: post-War II US occupation
Japan: post-War II US occupation
KOREAN WAR (undeclared): US major contributor to the United Nations armed forces which pushed out Chinese and north Korean troops from south Korea
Guatemala: CIA-trained exiles overthrew the socialist government
Lebanon: 5,000 US Marines sent to aid President Chamoun government
Cuba: 1,400 CIA-trained exiles landed at Bay and Pigs and were defeated
VIETNAM WAR (undeclared): US troops sent to Vietnam and Cambodia in support of South Vietnam
Dominican Republic: 20,000 US Marines occupied the country and installed a pro-American government
Cambodia: US Marines assaulted Tang Island to free the US merchant ship Mayaguez
Lebanon: US contributed troops to UN peace keeping force
Grenada: 1,900 US Marines invaded and deposed the existing government
Nicaragua: CIA secretly mined Nicaraguan harbors
Libya: US bombed the capital at Tripoli
Panama: US invasion force of 24,000 overthrew President Manuel Noriega
GULF WAR (undeclared): US-led invasion of Iraq with 425,00 US troops freed Kuwait from Iraqi occupation
Somalia: US contributed troops to UN peace keeping force
Haiti: US occupation and subsequent contribution of 2,400 troops to a UN peace keeping force
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia: US contributed 20,000 troops to UN peace keeping force
Yugoslavia: US participated in NATO actions in Yugoslavia
East Timor: US contriubuted a small number of support personel to the UN peace-keeping force
WAR IN AFGHANISTAN (undeclared): US led a multi-national NATO force to oust the Taliban and capture al-Queda leader Osama bin Laden; neither goal has been achieved and US troops remain in the country
IRAQ WAR (undeclared): US invasion and subseqent occupation overthrew government of Saddam Hussein
These figures do not illustrate the use of napalm and
These figures do not illustrate the use of napalm, nuclear weapons, Agent Orange and other weapons of mass destruction. It does not include the air strikes and the bombardments from the sea. It does not include the assassinations like Alende in Chile, ML King, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and the many attempts to kill Castro of Cuba.
One could say the so-called Christian Americans are the most war like people this planet has ever produced.
It boggles the mind to see the film "Jesus of Nazareth" on television during the Christmas holiday and at the same time see church going Americans support the carnage in Iraq.
David Truskoff


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