Monday, December 18, 2006

The Prophets didn't work for the Associated press

Rebirth of a Realist

The prophets didn’t work for the Associated Press.
Many years ago, my father once told me that if the story by- line is the Associated Press, read it with a smile because it is usually just propaganda disguised as news. If it says, "combined wire services," don’t bother reading it all because it is usually just a state department handout."
My father collected outrageous media propaganda pieces. I remember one that told the story of the Finnish soldiers who hid in trees with can openers and when the " rickety Russian tanks" went by they would drop down from the trees, open the tanks with can openers and blow them up. When the Red army drove the Nazi out of Stalingrad with the most efficient tanks of the entire war, my father would wave the clipping and say, "Stupid Nazis forgot their can openers."
There is a piece by the Associated Press in a December 15 Connecticut newspaper that tells the story of Soviet soldiers killing 16000 Polish troops by shooting them all in the back of the head. "Their guns got so hot young officers had to bring them fresh guns," the story said. I think that one would make old red baiter Randolph Hearst smile. The story rants on about Soviet atrocities and how Yale University press has discovered the atrocities and also Soviet espionage during the cold war. Could there have been American espionage and could there be any today?
The story does not mention the fourteen or more times that highly financed mercenary armies tried to create a counter revolution in Russia or the fact that US Marines invaded Russia. US sent 15,000 troops to Murmansk, Archangel, and Vladivostok as part of an Allied force in opposition to the Bolsheviks.
Unknown to most Americans and little noted by historians is the fact that 11,000 U.S. troops invaded Russia in 1918 to assist the Czar's White Army opposing the Communist takeover. 7,000 U.S. Marines had landed at the port city of Vladivostok on the coast of Siberia. Another 4,000 troops were dispatched to the far north of Russia to join British soldiers already fighting there. Young Americans know nothing about our support of the counter revolutionaries or of the atrocities committed by our man Admiral Kolchak who we set up as the new Russian Czar.
Not only does that not appear in our history books but little is mentioned of the fact that young America from 1898-2006 has invaded other countries or been at war no less than 36 times and our troops are stationed in every part of the planet.
The new wave of anti Communist propaganda is a result of the shrill attempt by the US media to head off any sympathy for the world wide pro socialist and anti American movements now spreading like wild fire.
"From early times, the prophets preceding you and me have prophesied war, disaster and plague against many great nations and kingdoms. But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his word comes to pass."
Jeremiah (28:8-9):

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Who owns the American congress

Rebirth of a Realist

Who owns The American Congress ?
When Dr. Martin Luther King was going through the metamorphous that was to transform him from a Black Civil Rights leader and a preacher to a major internationally known political figure, he made a very profound statement that rankled the neo-cons and the American media. He said, "it is one thing to throw a coin to a beggar, it is another thing to address the edifice that creates beggars." The new REALIST, Dr. King, was saying that a major structural change, was needed to re-create the America outlined in our constitution.
King is gone and his words forgotten. Each election time in America we hear politicians bleating about change and election reform, but if they are elected they do nothing.
This past election presented a clear picture of where the American political structure is at, a picture that should not only frighten Americans but frighten the world because the whole world is affected.
The candidate, who spent the most money won, The biggest campaign spender was victorious in 398 of 428 decided House races and 22 of 33 decided Senate races. Top spenders won 98 percent of House races and 88 percent of Senate races.
In New York Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democrat, spent close to $forty million and won with 67 percent of the vote, defeating Republican John Spencer, who could raise only $4.8 million.
Joe Lieberman, whose own party refused him the nomination, nevertheless raised close to $twenty million and won a senate seat as an independent. His opponent who spent a fortune of $11 million out of his own pocket was outspent by an independent candidate who didn’t spend a dime of his own money.
So where did that $twenty million come from? The major portion came from individuals and Pro Israel support groups. AIPAC coordinates such fund raising.
Lieberman is the leading proponent of aid to Israel and the darling of the American Israel public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). It is called a "public affairs Committee" to make it more palatable, but it is a Political action Committee capable of raising more money from around the world to support or defeat candidates than any other political structure. So if the game is the one who spends the most wins, than it follows that the one who raises the most controls the game.
Henry Siegman, the former head of the American Jewish Congress and a Middle East expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, says "But the Congress, if anything, is urging the Administration on and criticizing them even at their most accommodating. When it comes to the Israeli-Arab conflict, the terms of debate are so influenced by organized Jewish groups, like AIPAC, that to be critical of Israel is to deny oneself the ability to succeed in American politics."
The question remains "Who owns the American congress?
I understand the fear of those who are career politicians to speak out. No one wants to revive the "Protocols of Zion," or give the crazy, hate obsessed, bigots ammunition, but we Jews must act on the facts and the facts are that out of control right wing, blind faith Zionists are creating another wave of mindless anti-Semitism, just as blind faith right wing American Empire builders are creating a new wave of anti American hatred around the world.
David Truskoff