Monday, November 27, 2006

Nazi in the U.SD. Senate

Rebirth of a Realist

A Nazi in the United States Senate.
In 1952 when I built my first house in Connecticut USA my Father came to visit me.
": Very nice house, "he said. (He was a proud member if the builders union) "But David why in Connecticut"
"What’s wrong with Connecticut?"
"The people here are all crazy. They sent a Nazi to the United States Senate. A Nazi who supported and got rich from doing business with the madman Hitler.
My father lost many of his relatives in Byelorussia during the Nazi rampage in that country. Naturally he followed the war news very closely and that day he told me about Roosevelt passing the "Trading with the enemy act in 1942 and how the U.S. confiscated the Prescot Bush holdings in a Nazi banking group. Until then I had never heard about that and I could hardly believe it. How could voters, less than ten years after that horrible war send such a man to the U.S. Senate?
On November 8th 2006, following the U.S. elections I thought about my father. I remembered when he took me to Union City New Jersey, not far from where we lived to see the German American Bund march through the streets swastikas and all. "You should go to Hell," My father would shout at them along with some choice words in Russian.
Yes, I thought about that day because I could easily equate the Jewish community that sent Joe Lieberman back to the U.S. Senate with the German American Bund. They are the same kind of blind faith followers.
Almost the entire country voted against the war in Iraq, but Connecticut sent the leading warmonger and blind faith Israel supporter back to the senate. They knew who and what he was. They voted for him anyway just as they did in 1952 for Prescot Bush.
the father of our President. Most people the world over are only what the media makes them and the media in Connecticut supported Prescot Bush and recently. Liberman.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia tells us that Prescot Bush came under fire in the Meuse-Argonne offensive. Controversially, Bush wrote home about receiving medals for heroic exploits. His letters were later published in Columbus newspapers, but were retracted a few weeks later when it was revealed that he, in fact, had not received such medals. The retraction was made in a cable in which Bush stated that his earlier letter had been written "in a spirit of fun" and was not intended for publication. Is lying passed down genetically?
Investigator John Loftus has said, "As a former federal prosecutor, I would make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law (George Walker) and Averell Harriman [to be prosecuted] for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. They remained on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of Germany."
Ben Aris in Berlin, and Duncan Campbell in Washington wrote for the Saturday September 25, 2004 issue of the The Guardian
"New documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
As a young man I wondered how in hell the German people ever let insane Nazism happen to their country. When I had German prisoners aboard our ship during the war, I asked them that question, They shook their heads and looked down. Later one rated man said, "It’s a sickness. Someone tells you you are better than others and you like to hear it so you follow."
Simple enough. It is the fuel of all religion and politics. It is also the wind that
keeps the wild fires of greed spreading.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Liar,liar, pants on fire

Rebirth of a Realist

Liar Liar pants on Fire.
In 1952 Hanson Baldwin wrote, about the war in Vietnam, "The people of France are becoming more and more Weary of conflict that brings them no return at a cost known to every tax payer" In November 2006 the American taxpayers said the same thing with their vote against the Bush War. There will be many investigations and subpoenas that will now lead to chaos and turmoil in American politics, but in the end greed will prevail. It always does. The liars will see to it.
In 1948 when the United States and Israel became joined at the hip ("One nation Indivisible" Senator Lieberman said) The very creation of the state was based on Hypocrisy and Lies. Many of the Russians who made up the second Aliya to Palestine in the early 1900s were committed socialists. Their influence permeated the thinking of the next Kibbutzim generation, however when western Jews brought the gathering instincts of their capitalist upbringing to the land they came in direct ideological conflict with the Socialists. Young Jews enamored with the idea of carrying a gun joined the Irgun and found themselves in the midst of an exciting game. Their families escaped Nazi Germany. They were Jewish. God gave them the land. They will fight for it. They will bring peace, prosperity and Justice to the land.
When they matured and their Israel became the oppressor and began blowing
up Palestinian homes and practicing blatant ethnic cleansing, what could they do? I remember Rashod Hasson calling Uri Avnery the "anti-Zionist Zionist" and there are many in Israel today who can be described that way. Each day they wonder who they are and where they are going.
Since 1948 when America began its mad dash to the extreme political right to build the empire, it brought Israel right along with it. There are those who want to believe that President Truman was an enthusiastic advocate of the creation of a Jewish state and that it was important to the empire, however the historical records show just the opposite. Read some of the quotes of President Truman obtained from The Truman Library…
"I told the Jews that if they were willing to furnish me with five hundred thousand men to carry on a war with the Arabs, we could do what they are suggesting in the Resolution [favoring a state] - otherwise we will have to negotiate awhile."
"It is a very explosive situation we are facing, and naturally I regret it very much, but I don't think that you, or any of the other Senators, would be inclined to send half a dozen Divisions to Palestine to maintain a Jewish State."
"What I am trying to do is to make the whole world safe for the Jews. Therefore, I don't feel like going to war for Palestine.""
According to Henry Wallace, Truman said, "Jesus Christ couldn't please them when he was here on earth, so how can anyone expect that I would have any luck?"
Showing despair and anger over the atrocities committed by Jews against the Palestinians, He wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt on August 23, 1947,
"I fear very much that the Jews are like all underdogs. When they get on top they are just as intolerant and cruel as the people were to them when they were underneath. I regret this situation very much because my sympathy has always been on their side."
He was not the brightest President we ever had, but he sure was on the mark with that one. Later he was to admit that Zionists held his I.O.Us. "If not for my friend Abe, (Feinberg') I couldn't have made the [whistle-stop train] trip and I wouldn't have been elected," Truman stated
He was referring, of course, to the financial help he received. He had no money of his own and got little help from the Democratic Party.
On June 27, 1950, Truman told the American people that North Korea's attack on South Korea showed the world "Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed Intervention, Truman equated Joseph Stalin's actions with Adolf Hitler's in the 1930s. He was terrorizing America and lying to the people about Soviets invading Korea. It was the strategy of the empire builders. Americans feared the "Reds" are going to invade us and blow up all of our churches.
The truth is that civil war in Korea began the day the Japanese were driven out and with the help of "American advisors" the South Koreans initiated most of the border clashes with North Korean forces at the 38th parallel.
A young idealistic congressman obviously propelled into a job above his head was sent to Asia to acquire knowledge his Father thought he needed to become White House material. Upon his return Congressman Kennedy said,
"The Indo-Chinese states are puppet states, French principalities with great resources but as typical examples of empire and colonialism as can be found anywhere. To check the southern drive of Communism makes sense but not only through reliance on the force of arms. The task is, rather, to build strong native non-Communist sentiment within these areas and rely on that as a spearhead of defense. To do this apart from and in defiance of innately nationalistic aims spells foredoomed failure."
It wasn’t long before those grooming the young man for the White House instilled the Red bogeyman into his brain. He inherited the embarrassing work of (code-named JMARC). concocted by the likes of Richard Bissell. E. Howard Hunt and they even worked with such Mafia degenerates as Johnny Roselli and SamGiancana. The purpose was to kill Fidel Castro and restore Cuba to the Mafia Gamblers and the child prostitution racketeers that Castro kicked out.
It must have been difficult for the helpless Kennedy still trying to hold on to some of his youthful Idealism. He disappointed the cutthroats by not sending the bombers over Havana during the Pay of Pigs fiasco and I do believe that his assassination was planned that day.
Kennedy was still carrying the inner shame of the hero label his father insisted he be given (Joe Kennedy wanted him to get the Congressional medal Of Honor, But high ranking navy officials put out the word that they would say he should have been court-martialed for being asleep with no one on watch and letting his speedy PT boat be run over by a Japanese war ship.) The Congressional Medal was dropped.
This poor wretched man suffering back pain and other ailments was pushed and pulled apart and finaly shot dead. He had the war mongering Cardinal Spellman, Allan Dulles then CIA head, and the kings of the Military Industrial complex who thrived on the anti-Communist fear propaganda, all doing the pushing and shoving.
According to the terms of the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would hold national elections in 1956 to reunify the country. The division at the seventeenth parallel, a temporary separation without cultural precedent, would be erased with the elections.
Dulles and Spellman had other Ideas. Spellman saw it as an anti-Catholic Document and Dulles
a pro Communist one. The debate about whether Kennedy wanted to pull out (and evidence seems to show that Kennedy did want to withdraw the bulk of America troops from Vietnam.) is no longer relevant. What is relevant is that millions died and so many were wounded because of the lies and millions may die because of the lies of the present Bush administration.
Only a few benefit from the lies, Korea is still divided, Vietnam is Communist,
Israel suffers from the same lies that brought America to its present state of deterioration.
Both are divided nations with poverty, corruption, crime and violence making daily media fare.
Today I read a headline in a local paper…"one out of every six children in Hartford Connecticut has a relative in Jail". What kind of a society did the lies build? Israel is awash in scandal and corruption. Poverty there is a scandal in itself as it is in America.
The deadly lies are still fed to us by the media. There for the main objective should be to direct
some of the subpoenas and congressional investigative committees to the 5 huge corporations -- Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) – who now control most of the media industry in the U.S. General Electric's NBC is a close sixth so we might as well include them.
Realism and Truth must be reborn or the liars will still thrive and millions more will die.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Rebirth of a Realist

Rebirth of a Realist
Lieberman on Lieberman,
It is ironic that the elections in Israel and the elections in the US will involve two similar political characters named Lieberman. The Lieberman of Israel is described by Uri Avnery as a man who, "advocates the expulsion of the Arab citizens from Israel. He threatened to destroy Egypt by blowing up the Aswan Dam. He demanded the execution of the Israeli Arab Knesset members for meeting with Syrian and Hamas leaders."
Joe Lieberman and his namesake are similar in that they are both blind faith right wing Zionists. Joe an eighteen year US Senator, lost the primary in the Democratic party to a neophyte, albeit a very rich neophyte, Primarily because of his goose stepping to the marching tune of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and supporting the war in Iraq. With the help of AIPAC and about eighteen million Dollars or more he is thumbing his nose at the party and may go back to the senate as an Independent.
One congressional staff person was quoted as saying, "We can count on well over half the house, 250, to 300 members, to do reflexively what ever AIPAC wants."
Like our out of touch (out of this world) President, Joe has no idea of what is happening in America.
As a Jew, I have often pointed out that blind faith right wing Zionism and the brutality of the IDF has, and is causing a new wave of world wide anti-Semitism.
The Council Of National Interest Foundation (a Washington DC based organization that calls for a two-state solution in the Middle East) has released the following statement.
"A new poll commissioned by the Council for the National Interest Foundation shows that a significant number of Americans are wary of the power of the Israel lobby, and believe it is behind the invasion of Iraq and the current belligerent tone of the White House and Congress toward Iran.
The poll, which was carried out by Zogby International, reveals that 39% of the American public "agree" or "somewhat agree" that "the work of the Israel lobby on Congress and the Bush administration has been a key factor for going to war in Iraq and now confronting Iran." However, a similar number, 40%, "strongly disagreed" or "somewhat disagreed" with this position. Some 20% of the public, or more than one in five, were not sure.
The poll suggests that the espionage charges against two employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the publicity given to a new study of the power of the Israel lobby by two mainstream academic professors has had an affect on people's awareness of the lobby."
The problems in the US are not unlike those in Israel. There is an ever-growing divide between the have and the have-nots. Poverty in Israel and poverty in America are both reaching dangerous proportions and the two Liebermans will soon face the wrath and leaderless rage of the miss-lead, here-to-for powerless people. The above mentioned poll shows a beginning of a new awareness in the US.
Joe Lieberman may get elected. If he does he will emerge as the most powerful man in the US Senate; bigger than his own party that rejected him, and he will have an open door to the white house where he will be welcomed like a long lost son.
Perhaps he will even get another Kiss from G.W. Bush and return it, but on another part of the anatomy.